Informative Post

Sunday, December 12, 2010


I'm receiving a ton of help from many of you. Thank you. ^^; I'm doing my best to get through the files I've been sent, but I don't know how much time I can spend on it. I'll do what I can. Thank you so much. I'm glad to see so many people who appreciate Newshfan's subs!

I'm currently plodding through and adding everything under the "full episode" tag. In terms of saved pages and tags, I'm good for now, thank you everyone. I'll ask for what I'm missing after wards. XD For now, save what you want and prepare to backup your links to Megaupload/Mediafire/etc.

Report broken links and duplicate entries and I'll take care of them (if I can!)


  1. I can help reuploading stuff to MU, if you like! Is there a way to know which links are Wendy's and which links are ones you've already had reupped? I wouldn't want to reup anything that didn't need it over something that did XD


  2. It's Ok if I share the link this blog on Johnnys Ent Fanpage in Facebook?..Because many people wanna download the Newshfan Sub vid..

    thank you so much..^^

  3. Hey Hikabunny.
    I found this one link, it's the Hakone pt. 2.
    Don't know if it's NEWShFAN.
    I'll just put it here for future reference.

  4. Thank you so much <3 ^^
    I'll shared it Now..\^0^/

  5. Is there anything that I can help? I have some videos that she has subbed. =) Hope it helps.

  6. Hi, I have this file
    [Ojamanbou] 2005.12.17 Nobuta promo (Eng subbed)
    and I've already re-uploaded to MF. If this file hasn't been on the list, I'll post here ^^
    And also I have BTS of Yukan Club. If these videos haven't been in your lists, I'll surely help to reuploaded these ones to MF ^^
    If you want, please send a message to my LJ ^^

  7. Thank you so much! I do have some links!

    HEY HEY HEY (2008.6.16)
    Tegomasu and Ikki Sawamura

    Viva V6!!
    Miyake Ken feat. Cast of "Tokyo Dogs"

    Hope this helps!

  8. Hi, hikabunny. I wanna inform you that there are missing links in the label "making of" According JE index, newshfan has subbed a bunch of "making of PVs from KAT-TUN"
    These are the lists :
    KAT-TUN - Making of "Lips"
    KAT-TUN - Making of "Don't u ever stop"
    KAT-TUN - Making of "White X'mas"
    Making of "One Drop"
    KAT-TUN - Making of "Rescue"
    KAT-TUN - Making of "D-MOTION"
    KAT-TUN - Making of "Love Yourself"

    But, in this blog I only found making of D-Motion, Love Yourself, and also Going
    Do you by any chance still have these files? *puppy eyes*

  9. Does anyone have Arashi concerts?

    I need their Anniversary Tour 5x10 & AAA 2008 which is subbed by her T.T

    Can't seems to find it here
    Thanks in advance ^^

  10. I have Arashi concert AAA 2008 and Making of One Drop, Rescue and White X'mas.. I have Making of Lips and DUES but its on flv not avi :)

  11. omg i've been busy and didnt check out newshfan for a few months and now she's gone...the fandom is dying...somehow i feel i've lost something precious to me forever. thanks for saving all her sub works. thank you so much..

  12. hey there, thanks for doing this, i really appreciate it! i'm kind of new to the tokio fandom and wanted to find newshfan's videos. unfortunately she was gone even before i came into fandom. thankfully i googled and surf in here. thanks so much for putting this up.
