Informative Post

Thursday, September 23, 2010

[Shounen Club] 5 July, 2009 Tegomasu & Hey!Say!JUMP - full episode

"The Shounen Club" 5 July, 2009 Tegomasu & Hey!Say!JUMP
Length: 49 min 57 sec
Size: 478 MB

Starring: Koyama Keiichiro (NEWS), Tegoshi Yuya & Masuda Takahisa (Tegomasu/NEWS), Hey!Say!JUMP, "You Buy" (NYC & boys & Yuma & B.I.Shadow & whoever else makes us their random group)
Highlights: TegomasuKoya (??) form a cute sandwich as they hug each other. Then they show another photo of them hugging (with Shige included too) that makes you think that they might read a few too many fanfics about themselves! Tegoshi annoys Yabu, and Massu accuses Hikaru during the game segment where it's Hey!Say!BEST wo Abake (Expose HSB). I loved how embarrassed Yabu got about everyone saying how he cries like a baby, hugs Hikaru when he's crying, is scared of frogs, and squeals like a girl when Tegoshi teases him! They ask HS7 what they've most scared of during the Jr ni Q corner and it seems that eggplants, pet dogs and mothers are the scariest things they can think of.
Raw video: <-- At the bottom of the post How to use softsubs:
- Hardsubbed version -
Mediafire: Here thanks to pansocuep or here thanks to aquanitagirl

Thank you to everyone for directing me to a linkable raw video.