Informative Post

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Johnnys Sport Event 2003

"Johnnys Sports Event 2003"

Length: 1 hour 59 mins 12 secs
Size: 693 MB
Starring: Arashi, KAT-TUN, KinKi Kids, NEWS (with 9 members!), Tackey & Tsubasa, TOKIO, V6, Ya-Ya-yah, Johnnys Jr.
Thanks to: for a lovely quality raw file
Highlights: You get to watch Johnnys boys run relay races (which were the best part!) then play soccer and baseball. (The baseball thing is so random! How many Johnnys fans really like baseball?! Probably very few!) Inohara's smile during batting at baseball was funny! And I must say that Kame & Nino looked very sexy when they were pitching! They looked so determined. I loved KinKi's Tsuyoshi being the only man in Japan who cries after losing at rock-scissors-paper! And his funny antics/comments throughout the entire show. The event begins and ends with medleys of JE songs.
Note: There are backstage before & after the event clips too, but I haven't subbed them yet. I had a feeling that someone else either had subbed it or had it on their project list. I'll check around and make sure they haven't been subbed before, and if not, then I'll work on them over the next 2 weeks and hopefully have them ready to release by the end of September.

Softsubs for those who prefer them:

- Hardsubs-
Megaupload: Join 2 files with HJsplit before watching them

Mediafire: Join 2 files with HJsplit before watching them ~ Links thanks to vtsoccagrl
.001 bd
.002 wz
.003 x1
.004 z9
.005 ty
.006 4t
.007 0c

By the way, as I was subbing this, I realized that I've never watched a baseball match commentated in English before (they play cricket where I come from!) so please excuse any weird wording I may have used! I've only ever heard baseball commentated in Japanese or Korean before! And I haven't seen any English commentated soccer matches in years either. I vaguely remember watching some English League games years ago, so my translations may have weird British phrases thrown in. I think I really need to make more of an effort to watch more English TV from now on!


  1. can you update or fix your link.... I really want to watch it.. please

  2. Hi! I hope you can fix the dead links, thank you!

  3. hi.. can you please reupload them?
