Informative Post

Thursday, September 23, 2010

[DVD] Tegomasu's "Tegomasu no Uta" album - Ai Ai Gasa release event + Tegomasu in Sweden

Tegomass in Sweden DVD (July 2009)
Length: 10 mins 58 secs
Size: 80 MB <-- Not so clear. I recommend using softsubs instead Starring: Tegomasu (or "Tegomass" as they are known in Sweden!)
Thank you to: tegomassmatsuri for link of the raw clip
Highlights: Massu is such a randomly innocent guy the whole way through this clip. He is shocked that no one at the Swedish airport recognizes him, making Tegoshi laugh at him! And I love the pure joy when he sees freshly made food! Oh, and it seems that "Jagade" from the Swedish newspaper means “Hunted!” or “Chased!” Thank you to so many Swedish fans for telling me that~!
- Hardsubbed version -

Tegomasu's Ai Ai Gasa event DVD (July 2009)
* Please don't hardsub this & post it to streaming sites until August to give people a chance to go out & buy it first. Thanks~ *

Length: 41 mins 18 secs
Starring: Tegomasu
Thank you to: tegomassmatsuri for link of the raw clip
Highlights: Tegomasu should be banned from speaking at interviews or concerts, because they always fail badly! Tegoshi manages to embarrass himself while he tries to look cool and kisses an umbrella. And Massu says that he used to fail at putting up umbrellas?! Sometimes I think it's a pity that they don't let Shige join them to create the ultimate *failure* group, Tegoshigemasu!!

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